The Most Common Roblox Errors and Their Codes


Encountering Roblox Error Codes is frustrating yet common, arising from internet, device, or platform issues. We’ll simplify prevalent errors and their codes to streamline your troubleshooting process.

Imagine being deep into a Roblox battle when Error Code 268 suddenly kicks you out. Frustrating, right? We’ll unravel these errors, equipping you to handle them effectively.

roblox errors and codes

From “The Roblox game you are trying to join is currently not available” (Error 103) to “Join Error” (Error 610), we’ll decipher these Roblox Error Codes and their secret codes, enabling you to navigate digital obstacles with confidence. As a Roblox enthusiast, seamless gameplay is your right. Our unique perspective and tips will empower you to conquer these digital hurdles.

Get ready to explore Roblox’s world – errors and all. Are you ready to dominate the gaming realm? Let’s dive in!

Website Roblox Error Codes

Explore these Roblox website-related errors through their codes.

Error Description Fix/Why This Happens
103 The Roblox game you are trying to join is currently not available. Error 103 points to Roblox’s services being off-limits right now. It might stem from technical hiccups or servers feeling the pressure. Watch Roblox’s official channels for updates on when things get back on track.
503 The request could not be satisfied. Happens during a Roblox service disruption, unrelated to website upkeep.
504 This page isn’t working: took too long to respond. (Chrome) Timeout from the web host, often due to Roblox maintenance or downtime. May also result from a shaky internet connection.
Access Denied 403 – You don’t have permission to view this page. User’s attempt to access a restricted page.
An error occurred, please try again. Error Problematic IP or access through certain VPNs.
Avatar Page Error The avatar page is temporarily unavailable. Avatar page’s unavailability due to technical issues.
Bad Request 400 – There was a problem with your request. Occurs due to an incorrect web request from the device.
Down For Maintenance We’re making things more awesome. Be back soon.

This site is currently offline for maintenance and upgrades. Please check back soon!

Our payment system is currently under maintenance. Please check back shortly!

Results from ongoing maintenance or site fixes by Roblox admins.
Game Pass Loading Error Failed to load Game Passes. Please try again later. Caused by Roblox-related problems or user’s poor internet connection.
Internal Server Error 500 – An unexpected error occurred. Internal server error.

If the problem persists, reach out to customer service at [email protected].

Item Owned Item Owned: You already own this item. User tried buying an item they already possess.
Library Error Library temporarily unavailable, please try again later. Invalid Category # in the URL bar.
Maximum Friends Error Unable to process request. That user currently has the max number of Friends allowed. User can’t add more friends as their limit’s maxed out.
Page cannot be found or no longer exists 404 – Page Not found Incorrect URL typing or targeting a terminated account’s profile.
Registration error Sorry, an error occurred. Linked to Roblox issues or user’s unstable internet connection.
Something went wrong An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later. Altered error number in the URL to a non-existent one.
Too Many Redirects The page isn’t redirecting properly. (Firefox)

This page isn’t working; redirected you too many times. (Chrome)

Seen on accounts with a poison ban.
Unable to join Unable to join: You cannot join this VIP server because this game is private. Trying to join a VIP server on a private/under-review game.
Updating Avatar Error Items you don’t own in this outfit: (X). Attempting to wear a limited hat that’s been traded or sold. Sporting a previously deleted item.

Also Read: Philo Error Code ds-0.1: How to Fix?

Game Client Error Codes

Take a look at these error codes covering everything related to Roblox games and the game launcher.

Error Description Fix/Why This Happens
260 There was a problem receiving data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 260) Data’s not making it to Roblox’s web servers.
256/274 Developer has shut down all game servers or game server has shut down for other reasons, please reconnect. (Error Code: 256) No data received by Roblox servers, possibly indicating account security concerns.
264 The same account launched the game from a different device. Reconnect if you prefer to use this device. (Error Code: 264)

You are already playing a game. Please shut down the other game and try again. (Error Code: 264)

This error’s like a sign that says “Someone Else is Here.” It shows up when another client logs into your account, and you’re left wondering who they are. Account shakiness alert!
267 You have been kicked from the game. You were removed from the game due to unauthorized actions or exploiting.
268 You have been kicked by the server. Please close and rejoin another game. (Error Code: 268)

You have been kicked due to unexpected client behavior. (Error Code: 268)

Error 268 might result from common connection issues, game exploits, lag, or OS compatibility problems.
275 Roblox has shut down the server for maintenance. Please try again. (Error Code: 275)

Roblox has shut down this game server for maintenance. (Error Code: 275)

Roblox shut down for maintenance or the game was deleted while the user was playing.
277 Lost connection to the game server, please reconnect. (Error Code: 277)

Please check your internet connection and try again. (Error Code: 277)

This error happens if the connection between Roblox and the game server has problems, possibly due to unstable internet or server issues. Check your internet, and if it’s fine, the problem might be on Roblox’s side. It could also be linked to a ban, so stay updated through official channels.
279 #1: Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 17: Connection attempt failed.) (Error Code: 279)

#2: Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 146: Illegal teleport destination.)

#3: Failed to connect to the game. (ID = 148: Roblox version is out of date. Please uninstall and try again.)

#1: Can’t link up with the game server, Roblox’s having a bad day, or more problems on the horizon.

#2: Tried to jump into a place in the game world that’s taking a nap.

#3: The launcher or client needs a refresh or a whole new outfit.

517 This game is currently unavailable. Please try again later. (Error Code: 517)

This game has ended. (Error Code: 517)

The client tried to join a closing server or if Roblox was uninstalled while the user was in-game.
524 Not authorized to join this game. (Error Code: 524)

You do not have permission to join this game. (Error Code: 524)

Occurs during Roblox downtime, attempting unauthorized entry into a VIP server, or trying to join as a Guest.
529 An HTTP error has occurred. Please close the client and try again. (Error Code: 529)

We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. (Error Code: 529)

Occurs when Roblox servers are down or slow.
610 Join Error Error 610 indicates server or network issues. Refresh the page or restart the game, and if the problem continues, it’s probably a Roblox server problem. Wait for a resolution.
770 #1: Game’s root place is not active. (Error Code: 770)

#2: Attempted to teleport to a place that does not exist. (Error Code: 770)

#3: Teleport Failed. Unknown error. (Error Code: 770)

#1: Player attempted to join an inactive part of game.

#2: Player attempted to teleport to an inactive or deleted section of game.

#3: Common in games that use teleport.

771 Teleport failed, the server is no longer available. (Error Code: 771) Player tried to teleport to a part of the game that’s inactive or deleted.
772 Teleport failed, the server is full. (Error Code: 772) Player tried to teleport to a server that’s already full.
773 Teleport Failed: This game has not been approved, yet. (Error Code: 773)

Teleport Failed: Attempted to teleport to a place that is restricted. (Error Code: 773)

Player attempted to teleport to a game not approved or where they’re not allowed to join.
Client Crash An unexpected error occurred and Roblox needs to quit. We’re sorry! This crash might happen for various reasons: running low on memory, experiencing high ping, severe lag, or trying to connect to a game using a known exploit.
Connection Fail Failed to download or apply critical settings, please check your internet connection. Error info: (error info) User lost internet connection or experienced DNS resolution failure while trying to connect to Roblox.
Error starting game An error occurred trying to launch the game. Please try again later

Mobile version (Android):

“Sorry! The game failed to start for an unexpected reason.

User’s faulty internet or Roblox maintenance causing issues. Player might have tried joining a game with a disabled account.
Loading Error 0x1 (Intentional) (Unused) Roblox cannot start up. User code = 0x1 User breached Roblox’s terms of service.
Purchase Error #1: This item is not currently for sale. Your account has not been charged.

#2: Your purchase failed because your account does not have enough Robux. Your account has not been charged.

#3: Your purchase of [name of item] failed because something went wrong. Your account has not been charged. Please try again later.

#1: User tried to buy an unavailable item.

#2: User lacked sufficient Robux.

#3: Purchase encountered an issue. Please retry later.

So, as you venture through the Roblox universe, you’ll bump into these error codes here and there. Sure, they might throw a wrench in your gaming groove, but knowing what they mean gives you the upper hand in fixing things. Think of these codes as your virtual helpers, nudging you back into the thrill of Roblox fun. Remember, each code hiccup is a chance to level up your gaming know-how. So, dive in, tackle these tech puzzles, and level up your Roblox game!


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