The Benefits of Updating Your Business Tech A Guide


Businesses that trade, market and communicate online are competing not just for market share – for customers and clients – but also in terms of digital optimization. Every saving you make in your digital stack will help you to rise above your rivals and deliver better value to customers – gaining your firm higher profits in the process. But what are the key benefits of upgrading and optimizing your tech stack? This article outlines what you’re set to gain by overhauling your business tech this winter.


There’s little doubt that the huge savings to be made with the most recent software packages are in the field of automation. Digital automation is all about cutting out the human labor that you’re currently employing to do thankless and repetitive tasks – like logging orders, or providing simple answers to customer service queries. This, of course, doesn’t mean that you let your existing staff go: you’ll just ask them to refocus on more important tasks – answering phone calls from clients and customers, for instance.


Time and again, you’ll hear CFOs and CEOs worrying about how all their technology and software interacts. You’ll be constantly worried about the availability of your data – and of course its security from cybercriminals. Meanwhile, you’ll also be dimly aware that you rely on several companies to run your tech – and this represents a significant due diligence challenge, especially in these volatile times. The solution to these quandaries is simple: centralize your stack. Bring in software that will hone in on the tasks that really matter, and will handle them for your team. Microsoft and Google are of course the market leaders in this space, but the truth is that there are dozens of newcomers to the market who can help you get to grips with your stack this winter.

IT Support

When you’re making changes to your IT systems, you run the risk of hitting a low in productivity as your staff get used to working with new systems. Undoubtedly, there will be snags and teething problems – and your workers will complain that they haven’t been properly trained on the systems that you’re implementing at the managerial level. To maintain effectiveness through this period – indeed, to make the most of the benefits that your new tech will bring – you could use some IT support. For IT support in the Bay Area, USWired is a great pick – helping you improve your IT to maximize the benefits digital solutions will bring to your company.


Finally, all companies benefit immeasurably from the impression that they are modern and up to date. It’s difficult to quantify this benefit, but consider how you’d react, as a web user, to an app that’s poorly designed, or a website that was clearly designed many years ago. By updating your tech – including bringing your website up to modern standards – you’ll find that you’ll earn more trust with consumers across the spectrum.

These benefits to upgrading your business software should entice you and your firm to undergo modernization in time for 2021.


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