Are you tired of getting the Nvidia control panel missing issue? Nvidia Graphics card installed have always had the options to tweak certain graphics settings by using the Nvidia Control Panel. But sometimes an issue appears where the Nvidia Control Panel cannot be found and that is definitely a problem.
These could be several reasons behind this problem. So, we have come with the different methods to get rid of this problem forever. Let’s check out the solutions which are provided below.
How to fix Nvidia control panel missing issue?
There are many ways to get back the Control Panel but some of these solutions may appear long and complicated. but, there are ways to fix the problem.
Solution 1: As Suggested by Nvidia Support
This solution is regarding the issue of Control Panel, as easy as some of the solutions suggested by Support Centers, this one really solved the problem immediately but it’s somewhat tedious to understand.
- You will need to boot into safe mode by following these steps, use the Windows Key + I key combination to open settings or click the Start menu and click the gear key at the bottom left part.
- You should click on Update & security and then Recovery and click the Restart Now option under the advanced startup section. This will make your PC to restart and you will be prompted with the Choose an options screen.
- Now click the number 4 key or F4 in order to start your PC in Safe Mode.
You will have to delete the Nvidia folder on your hard disk and uninstall the driver.
- Now you need to navigate to your local hard disk by clicking on This PC then click the Local Disk C. Here you should be able to see the NVIDIA folder right there, right-click on it and choose Delete.
- Now click Start and type Run. You need to select Run.
A Run dialog box will appear.
- You need to type “devmgmt.msc” in the run box and then click OK button and this will open Device Manager Window.
- You need to expand the “Display Adapters” field and this will list all network adapters that the machine has installed. Now right click on the Nvidia adapter you want to uninstall and select “Uninstall”. It removes the adapter from the list and uninstalls the device.
- Now click “OK” when prompted to uninstall the device it will result in removal of the adapter from the list and uninstall the driver.
There will be a need to reboot into normal mode and download the latest Nvidia driver available online. Here you can check the list at their official website.
- You need to run the setup file you just downloaded and follow the instructions which appear on the screen and choose the Custom installation option and check all the boxes in the custom install options windows. You need to also check the box which states “perform clean install”.
2, Final step is that restart your computer and check to see if the Nvidia Control Panel is back.
Solution 2: Restart Several Nvidia Services
Restarting is the usual method of solving as services are the backbone of each program and if Nvidia services have gone corrupt only restarting them is almost sure to solve the problem no matter what caused the issue in the first place.
- In case you are using a version of Windows older than Windows 10. The easiest way to access the services running on your PC is clicking on the Start button and navigating to the Run dialog box.
- You need to type “services.msc” in the dialog box and wait for the list of services to open.
- In case you are using Windows 10. You can access Services by using the Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combination so to bring up Task Manager.
- Then navigate to the Services tab in Task Manager and click on Open Services at the bottom of its windows, next to the gears icon.
Then after you have successfully open Services you need to follow the instructions below.
- Go ahead and locate the Nvidia services by clicking on the Name column in order to sort the services in an alphabetical order and repeat the same process for the processes which contain the work Nvidia.
- Then right-click on the service and click on Properties.
- You need to navigate to the Startup type and set it to Automatic in case it’s not set already and click the Stop button in order to stop the service and wait for a minute.
- Click on Start after a while and confirm the dialog boxes which may appear.
- Now go to check to see if the issue with the Control Panel is gone.
Solution 3: If the Control Panel is There But Missing from the Desktop Context Menu
There are some claims that the users are able to find the Nvidia Control Panel in the regular Control Panel but they which to have it available in the context menu which appears when they right-click on their Desktop. Follow the instructions below in order to achieve this.
- You need to use the Windows Key + R key combination in order to open the Run dialog box or simply search for “Run” in the Start menu.
- Then go ahead and type “control panel” in the Run dialog box and press Enter on your keyboard. This will result in opening the Control Panel immediately and at the top right part of the windows, change the View by option to large icons.
- Now locate the NVIDIA Control Panel entry, click it, and the NVIDIA Control Panel should open right away and click on View or Desktop and check the option which says Add Desktop Context Menu.
- You need to apply the changes you have made then navigate to your desktop and check to see if the Control Panel appears in the context menu once again.
Also Check: Windows Modules Installer Worker High CPU Usage (Solved)
Solution 4: Fix the Problem with NVIDIA Control Panel Simply not Launching
1. You need to navigate to “C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display.NvContainer” and right-click on the “NVDisplay.Container.exe” file and select Copy from the context menu.
- Then use the Windows Key + R key combination so to open the Run dialog box or simply search for “Run” in the Start menu and then type in “shell:startup” in the dialog box and click Enter.
- C:\Users\peter\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup folder will open. Then paste the “NVDisplay.Container.exe” as a shortcut in this folder.
- Now Finally you need to right-click on “NVDisplay.Container.exe” shortcut you just made, go to Properties, and navigate to the Shortcut tab and in the Shortcut Tab go to Advanced and check the “Run as Administrator” option now confirm the changes and navigate to the Compatibility tab and check “Run This Program as Administrator”. You need to click on Apply and then OK and check to see if the problem is solved.
After trying out these fixes, hopefully your Nvidia control panel missing issue is solved now. Still facing any type of problem? Feel free to share your query in the comments section. We will try to provide you with the solutions as soon as possible. If you loved this article, please share with your friends.